

Monday, July 12, 2010

Is it really better to have loved and lost then to not have loved at all?

The statement "better to have loved and lost then to not have loved at all" always made me wonder is this true or not?

I don't agree with this statement. I think that being in love gives you an amazing feeling inside that nothing can replace but once you loose it it hurts. It hurts worst then any pain. When you have everything then have it gone from you it leaves you feeling empty. Like there is nothing else left for you in this life. I feel like you die a little but in the inside. If you never have this love then you don't have to feel this pain. Sometimes people are happier not ever finding love. I have found my love and I don't plan on letting him go. If I ever do loose him then it will be horrible. I will be besides myself in pain. I don't think anyone should ever go through that pain. Love is a great thing but, it is also the worst thing. It's really your choice on how you feel about this statement. I have shared with you my feelings now it's your turn to find out your own.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is it good or bad?

I play this game and I watch people play this game. It's a lot of fun. For the most part. This game has good effects and has bad effects. This game can ruin lives. People become addicted to it. This game can also be a great way to relax. I mean who wouldn't want to come home from a hard day at work or school and just kill people with no consequence. IT's a great way to relieve stress. Some people just take it way to far. They let it take over their lives. This game does a lot of good and bad.

This game is a great way to just have fun. Who doesn't like killing random people? I mean seriously this game is great. It teaches people about gun. So it's some what educational. It helps people relax. For example if your boss/teacher was giving you a hard time that day you could imagine the person you were killing to be that person. The great part is you get the satisfaction without actually doing anything wrong. This game is also good if you have a sick kid. I mean the kid can't go outside if it's sick and people can't come over either. This gives them the opportunity to be social without being with people literally. This is also a good way to shut you r kid up. nobody wants to listen to there kid all the time. I don't care who you are. You know it's true.
Everyone needs a break from their kid. Hahaa I'm glad I don't have kids. I'm glad I still am a kid.

Call of Duty can ruin lives. I met this one dude who lost his wife and two girl friends cause of the game. People get way to into it. Some people just don't understand it's just a game some people think of it as a way of life. They get so into it that they start to cry over it. It gets pretty sad. People loose their temper cause they got shot. People have punched walls and broke controllers over it. People become anti social because they forget how to interact with real people. They become hostile to people who did nothing wrong. The game just really tenses people up when it should relax. People will spend long periods of time playing this game instead of going outside and doing healthy things. I think people just get way to caught up in someting tat is not real. It's a sad reality when people let video games run their lives.

Weather the game is good or not it's your choice. I am just here giving both sides of the story before you decide right away. My preference is I like the game. It just sucks when people get to into it and treat it more valuable then life. It's a good game when you only treat it like a game. Like I said the choice is yours. Is it good or is it bad? It's all your own opinion.

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Gram and Papa

These two are the most important people. I am lucky to have had them as grandparents. They were everything I could have ever asked for. People have no idea what they have till it's gone. I love my grandparents very much. Nobody could ever replace them. I am proud of everything they ever taught me.

My gram made me very happy. She showed me unconditional love all the time. When she was sad she never let it get to her. She always wanted to make everyone else happy. I always wanted her to be happy. She would always worry about everybody else. Se took really good care of my sister and I. She would cook for us when we were hungry. She was always there when we needed her. She was perfect. When I was little and didn't want to go to school she would keep me home and I would go to the doctors with her and run erins with her. I will never forget that. I miss her everyday. I will never stop loving her though

My papa was simply amazing. I will never forget all the puzzles I helped him with. He had pretty much ever job out there. I remember all of his stories.He is the one who shared with me the story of Babe Ruth. He loved baseball. He told me all types of things about the sport. He had like 1 million cards legit. One time he told me about how he lost his job cause he stayed home to watch the Olympics. I thought that was pretty cool. My papa loved gram very much. I remember that for a fact. The stories I could tell here are endless. Something i miss most about my papa is our garden. Every year we used to have a garden and we would grow tomatoes and cucumbers. That was always a lot of fun. He taught me how to grow stuff. He taught me stuff nobody else could. I miss him...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fireworks in Pelham

On the 3rd of July in Pelham NH they have their yearly fireworks show. This year is was good. It was the first time my sister didn't go. She was with her friend. I invited Eleni. It was kind of boring I won't lie. It's a big family thing. I spent most of my time walking. There are a lot of good looking people in Pelham. I'm not going to lie. Eleni and I got really good italian ice. Eleni got lemon and I got watermelon. They were yummy but, mine was better and prettier. We spent a lot of time on the swings. Just talking about random shit. Later we went and sat on the blanket where my family was. There was a little cub scout going around trying to earn money for his troop by selling strawberry shortcake. When he saw my step-sister (Casey) all he said was "your the girl who bought two". I couldn't stop laughing. That's pretty sad. Anyways the fireworks were really good. I always enjoy them.

My day at the Hampton beach

I went to Hampton beach with Eleni, her family and her neighbors. It was a great time. we got up really early in the morning about 7:30Am is when we woke up and we left Eleni's house at 8Am. The car ride was long. I listened to my I-pod pretty much the whole time. You can't beat listening to Escape The Fate on the way to that beach :). When we got there is was hot. The sun on the sand killed our feet D:. We went directly in the water. It was so cold but, after you went numb it wasn't bad at all. I had a lot of fun. I'm no longer ghostly white I got a tan. This is a big thing for me haha. i haven't tanned in like two years. I don't look as bad as I thought. I dug a really deep hole with Ryan (Eleni's 7 year old neighbor). It kept him busy. When we got back from the beach I was so tired I fell asleep while talking to Adam. I felt bad but he understood. Well that was pretty much my day at the beach.